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Overhead crane leakage repair and protection
作者:管理员    发布于:2021-08-06 08:58:35    文字:【】【】【】浏览 (265)
摘要:Due to the influence of vibration, wear, pressure, temperature and other factors on the trolley reducer of bridge cranes, oil leakage often occurs in the static sealing parts of each joint surface. The traditional treatment method involves disassembling the reducer, replacing the sealing gasket or applying sealant, but it is time-consuming and laborious, and it is difficult to ensure the sealing effect, and leakage will occur again during operation. Contemporary Western countries mostly use polymer composite materials to treat leakage on site, and the most used Blessed World Blue series. Polymer materials can be repaired without disassembly
Due to the influence of vibration, wear, pressure, temperature and other factors on the trolley reducer of bridge cranes, oil leakage often occurs in the static sealing parts of each joint surface. The traditional treatment method involves disassembling the reducer, replacing the sealing gasket or applying sealant, but it is time-consuming and laborious, and it is difficult to ensure the sealing effect, and leakage will occur again during operation. Contemporary Western countries mostly use polymer composite materials to treat leakage on site, and the most used Blessed World Blue series. Polymer materials can be repaired without disassembly, and the material has superior adhesion, oil resistance and 350% stretch, which can well overcome the impact of reducer vibration, and the repair effect is more effective than traditional methods.
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