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How much do you know about gantry cranes
作者:管理员    发布于:2021-08-06 08:57:33    文字:【】【】【】浏览 (263)
摘要:Gantry crane is a variant of bridge crane, also called gantry crane. Mainly used for outdoor cargo yard, stock yard cargo, bulk cargo loading and unloading operations. Its metal structure is like a door-shaped frame, with two supporting feet installed under the main beam, which can walk directly on the track on the ground. The two ends of the main beam can have outhanging cantilever beams. Gantry cranes have the characteristics of high site utilization, large operating range, wide adaptability and strong versatility, and are widely used in port freight yards.
Gantry crane is a variant of bridge crane, also called gantry crane. Mainly used for outdoor cargo yard, stock yard cargo, bulk cargo loading and unloading operations. Its metal structure is like a door-shaped frame, with two supporting feet installed under the main beam, which can walk directly on the track on the ground. The two ends of the main beam can have outhanging cantilever beams. Gantry cranes have the characteristics of high site utilization, large operating range, wide adaptability and strong versatility, and are widely used in port cargo yards.
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